DELICIOUSLY VEGAN - recipes by Anett

I've been quietly working on something for the past few months, getting up early in the morning to start recipe testing, and going to sleep very very late, writing down my last thoughts and ideas for the next day. All for this app - Deliciously Vegan, a collection of my favourite healthy, delicious recipes by yours truly. 

To be honest, I never imagined creating a recipe app, but once I'd thought about it more then it seemed like the best option of all. An endless canvas for me, and endless amount of recipes for you. 

At this point in time there are 150+ (!!) recipes, divided into categories and more sub-categories for ease of use. And, to tell you in secret, I've got loads more planned. Just need to find the time to take pictures and test the recipes. There may even be a video category in the works, but Shhhhh...

A couple of my favourites from the app:


If you are interested in the app then you can find the download link here - There is currently just the iOS version, but we are working on getting the Android one out there too.

I appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to download the app and test the recipes, lots of love to you all! 

Don't forget to tag your recreations with #deliciouslyveganapp, I'll be reposting them on my page too!

x A